118 children were adopted as a result of attending an Adoption Activity Day in the year 2020-21.
Adoption Activity Days are an established and successful method of family finding. They allow prospective adopters to meet a range of children waiting to be adopted in a safe, supportive and fun environment. The days can be particularly helpful for children who have been waiting longer to find a permanent, loving home, for example, older children or sibling groups.
In this video Adoption Activity Day Service Manager, Sally Beaumont explains how Adoption Activity Days work.
You can watch families sharing how they were brought together by adoption activity days here.
- 118 children were adopted as a result of attending one of our Adoption Activity Days in 2020-21. Even during the Pandemic our family finding events continued safely around the country.
- In the last 10 years 1,400 children have been matched with families as a result of Adoption Activity Days.
- Since 2011 more than 1,200 adopters have formed families as a result of attending an AAD.
- AADs have taken place nationally, safely on 25 occasions over the last 12 months. As an essential service we have continued to run events in accordance with health and safety procedures and individual risk assessments are completed for each event.
- We have many more adopters than places available to attend an AAD. This means these events are an opportunity for children to meet more adopters than ever before.
- At AADs we prioritise adopters matching requirements with the needs of the children attending. This increases the likelihood of finding a match.
- Many adopters attending AAD’s are not on Link Maker because meeting children in person is their preferred means of family finding.
Upcoming Adoption Activity Days
Saturday 25 January – Nottingham
Saturday 22 February – London
Saturday 29 March – Cheshire
To register children or adopters, contact us at adoption.activitydays@coram.org.uk or call 0207 520 0302.
Commissioning an Adoption Activity Day
We can provide a bespoke Activity Day for your RAA. Packages start at £10,000 and include professional consultation before, during and after the event; tailored workshops and briefing sessions; management of referrals and expressions of interest; recruitment of prospective families; and full delivery of the Activity Day at a venue that suits you.
To discuss your agency’s family finding needs, contact us today by emailing: adoption.activitydays@coram.org.uk
“Transforming the Lives of Children Who Wait: Ten Years of Adoption Activity Days” is a new report featuring key findings and information about the effectiveness of adoption activity days. Read it here.